We wanted to get crafty and share our favorite craft beers with the hope plant community, below are a few pairings we would suggest. Check back monthly for #goodbeer suggestions from our hops expert Tiger @tigdrinksbeer!
Street Saved Monstera:
Monstera Details and the Story of the Street Monstera: This huge monster was a street save, and has come back to life in a very serious way, with the help of flourish of course. Monsteras can have large, tangled root systems, and complex leaf patterns, making them beautiful and easy to savor. As the plant matures, glossy leaves are perforated to the margins or in the middle as they mature (lobed cuts and fenestraitons) Ariel roots are also grow on monsteras, so the roots can be at different heights, coming right from a leafy area higher on the plant. This makes Monsteras great plants share with friends via propagating!
My massive monstera was saved by my eldest sister, Jessie, on the streets of Brooklyn prior to finding its new home in my East Village loft. He gets a shower about once a week - even more than me (Kidding, kidding), along with a healthy serving of Flourish Plant Food. I think he might also purify the air of my hockey equipment smell, but verdicts out.
Beer Pairing Suggestion: The monstera is an easy going plant, always down for a good time, but not one looking to stay out all night. In fact, the monstera prefers the day time, because of sunlight and the fact that it’s a plant. The official Flourish 2022 Monstera beer pairing is Mango Cart, a light wheat ale bursting with mango flavors, brewed by Golden Road out of LA. Coming in at 4% ABV, these beers are perfect for a day at the beach with your favorite leafy buddy, the monstera.

Rubber Plant:
Rubber Plant Details: Leaves are thick, waxy, and perky. They can get quite big and take up a lot of space. Rubber plants make good an anchor piece for home decoration- and also come in a variety of hues including some reds and purples. Fairly basic when it comes to a plant, but what isn’t to love here. The rubber plant prefers medium to bright indirect light, but can also deal with direct light- IE in a windowsill. They are very versatile. Any humidity will do, very easy going plant. Should be kept moist in the growing season.
Beer suggestion and why: With its waxy surface, the rubber plant might just be the smoothest plant around. Similar to the misconception that the rubber plant is made out of rubber, many also think smooth beer has to be “light beer.” But Two Juicy and Little Juicy (the slightly less alcoholic cousin) shows that beers that are smooth on the pallet (i.e. not overly hoppy, well rounded) can be anything but light. Out of Two Roads in Stratford, Connecticut, Two Juicy and Little Juicy are the official 2022 Flourish rubber plant pairing - grab yourself a sixer of either, a rubber plant, and some Flourish Plant Food; you’ll soon be smoother than Miles Davis himself.
Boston Fern:
Boston Fern Details: In their natural environments, ferns grow in both humid tropics and temperate areas. Boston Ferns specifically need a cool place with high humidity and indirect sunlight. Fluffy appearance makes them great for porches or areas that need a bigger plant but have less light. They truly have a lot of depth and intricacy and come in a variety of sizes. Leaves will brown easily without enough humidity.
Beer Pairing Suggestion: In my experience, ferns such as that of Boston are fickle beasts. They require just the right environment or else they’ll fail, hard. I equate the Boston fern to a hazy IPA, which too requires just the right environment. Drink these guys too early, and you’ll fall into a deep snooze. Drink them while out at a bar, and the beer may become overly warm in your hands. You need a laid back environment between the hours of 5-8 for the perfect New England IPA experience, just as you need humidity and Flourish Plant Food for any shot at success with the Boston Fern. The official Flourish 2022 Boston Fern beer is Fiddlehead, brewed by Fiddlehead Brewing Company in Shelburne, VT, one of the worlds best IPAs.

Chinese Money Tree:
Money Tree Details: Braided base, can be complex or simple, sometimes if you get them at a bodega they can honestly be ugly. The money tree can grow pretty harge over. With good care, these plants can really excel in many environments. They do better in lower light, because they can actually get sunburned. Money Trees are said to grow more in times of prosperity.
Beer Pairing Suggestion: Money money money, ain’t it funny, in a rich man’s world. If you’re a plant lover (And an Aba lover like myself), might as well purchase one of these beautiful mini trees with the possibility of a completely unclear future return on investment. What is also impossible to measure is just how much I love Allagash Whites, brewed by Allagash Brewing Company in Portland, Maine, the official Flourish 2022 Money Tree Beer. Another wheat ale, these allagash white is massively versatile and is also said to bring good fortune. If you pour a small amount on your money tree once a year, it is also said to kill your plant. Do not do this, use Flourish Plant Food instead!