This week we had the chance to connect with one of our favorite plant moms, Cali F, based in Brooklyn, NY. Cali has inspired the Flourish team from the start, sharing her love of plants with us constantly. Our first photoshoot was even in her apartment. We are so glad we get to share her passion with you!

Tell us a little about you- what is your day job and some things that you LOVE?
I live in Brooklyn and work for a Legal Tech company doing account operations and strategy! Outside of work I can typically be found at the pottery studio, fostering puppies, playing shuffleboard, trivia, going to concerts, or seeing a Broadway show!
When did you start collecting house plants, how has your collection changed over the years?
Growing up I had a vegetable garden and was surrounded by plants. When I went away to college I missed having access to a garden so I got some succulents for my dorm room. Once I moved to NYC and lived in an apartment with more sunlight. I got my first bigger house plant and since then I haven't been able to stop adding more and more greenery to my space!
What was your first plant?
My first house plant was a little cactus that I got sophomore year of college to try to brighten up my dorm. It did not do too well in the upstate NY cold...but it managed to survive 3 years!
What is the most recent add to your collection?
I most recently got a Philodendron Brasil! I love philodendrons for how easy they are to grow and love the two tone color of the Brasil leaves.
Which plant do you cherish the most?
It's so hard to choose, but probably my Fiddle Leaf Fig.
What was your first plant?
My first house plant was a little cactus that I got sophomore year of college to try to brighten up my dorm. It did not do too well in the upstate NY cold...but it managed to survive 3 years!
Favorite piece of plant advice that you have received?
Let your plants tell you what they need! Don't set a strict watering schedule to water everything at once, but check your plants often and water when each individual plant needs it.
Any plant must haves - accessories or tools?
Flourish Plant Food, of course!! I also always keep Neem Oil on hand to help get rid of any pesky spider mites or other nuisances that may come in on a new plant.
What makes you feel the most like you are flourishing?
I feel the most like I am flourishing when I am surrounded by my amazing friends and doing things I love!