While spring is such a gorgeous time of year for some of our favorite cut flowers- hello tulips and buying daffodils from school drives- it's also an awesome time to add a flowering houseplant to your collections. We've compiled a list of some of our favorites that tolerate being inside, so you can bring some of that spring joy into your home!
Peace Lilys are extremely hardy houseplants who prefer low light and have pretty limited care needs, making them a great houseplant for beginners. Keep the soil moist, and well fertilized. In the spring, give peace lily’s bright indirect light to help them bloom- the white blooms can last over a month! But their shiny, lush green leaves all year make the peace lily an awesome houseplant.

Hyacinths are actually one of the longer lasting of the iconic spring blooms. Hyacinth flowers can last for over two weeks after blooming. Truly the most gorgeous fragrance you can bring into your home as well. Hyacinths can be potted inside in pots or a bulb vase. But the bulbs actually need cold in the winter months to bloom. If you are picking up a decorative hyacinth for your home, be sure to chose one that hasn’t bloomed yet, as they will likely go from buds to blooms in just a day! Quick-tip- the blooms of hyacinths can get very heavy, and they will fall completely horizontally. Be prepared to prop them up with a chopstick and some ribbon or twine.

Hibiscus bushes are such a showstopper with stunning flowers, Hibiscus can sometimes be finicky, needing a bit more air moisture given their tropical natural environment. While the individual large flowers of the hibiscus only last a few days each, the plant should stay in bloom from the spring into the fall! Hibiscus bushes make great plants for offices, if you keep an eye on them!

Christmas Cacti are such a great option for a flowering plant that is easy to care for and can live for decades and are an excellent plant for propagation. If your friend has a great Christmas Cactus, you should definitely ask for a clipping! Christmas Cacti can be large and have beautiful, colorful flowers that bloom from Thanksgiving through Easter, depending on the species. These flowers can range in color from deep reds, to pinks and purples, to white. Christmas cacti prefer to be on the drier side, so only water when the soil is truly dry.